The Rutgers Institute for Corporate Social Innovation serves as a center of excellence for research and engagement across academia and industry, both regionally and internationally. As such, we are proud to have Faculty Research Fellows and Affiliate Research Scholars.
The Faculty Research Fellows and Affiliate Research Scholars are comprised of Rutgers Business School professors and professors from national and international universities who present and publish scholarship on social innovation, participate in and publicize RICSI events, develop and integrate social innovation materials into their coursework, advocate for the integration of social innovation across curriculum, provide professional advice to RICSI, and engage in any other practices that would help advance RICSI.
RICSI Affiliate Fellows
Alberto Alemanno is the Jean Monnet Professor in EU Law & Policy at HEC Paris, and Founder of the Good Lobby, a nonprofit civic start up aimed at equalizing access to power through unconventional collaborations between civil society, the private sector and philanthropies. He has been named Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, and Ashoka fellow for his work aimed at filling the gap between academic research and policy realities. He’s also permanent visiting professor at the College of Europe, Bruges and the University of Tokyo. He’s the author of more than thirty scientific articles and several academic books such as the acclaimed Nudge and the Law – A European Perspective. He regularly publishes in The Guardian, Bloomberg, Le Monde and his work has been featured in The Economist, The Financial Time, Nature and Science. His latest book is Lobbying for Change: Find Your Voice to Create a Better Society, London: Iconbooks, 2017.
Ante Glavas is Associate Professor at the Grossman School of Business at the University of Vermont. He received his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior, with a focus on corporate social responsibility and sustainability, from Case Western Reserve University, where he was also the Executive Director of the Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit. His research focuses on how companies can have a positive impact on society and the planet, while at the same time being a place where employees flourish because they find meaningfulness by working for such companies. He has won awards for his research and has been covered in media outlets such as CBS, CNN, Fast Company, Fortune, GeekWire, GreenBiz, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal. He teaches on leading change for sustainability as well as classes on social entrepreneurship, leadership, and organizational behavior. For his teaching, he received the James Dincolo Outstanding Teaching Award for best management professor while at the University of Notre Dame. He has also co-taught and co-developed one of Forbe’s “10 Most Innovative Business School Courses” when he was at Case Western Reserve University. Prior to going into academia, he was a senior manager in a Fortune 500 company and founded three social enterprises. He has also consulted with numerous organizations, conducted work in over 50 countries, served on the boards of numerous non-profits, and lived and worked in six countries. For his work in contributing to society, he received numerous awards such as the Medal of Honor from the President of Croatia.
Aseem Prakash is Professor of Political Science, the Walker Family Professor for the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Politics at University of Washington, Seattle. Professor Prakash studies environmental policy, climate governance, NGOs and nonprofits, and voluntary/private regulation. He is a member of National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's Board on Environmental Change and Society and International Research Fellow at the Center for Corporate Reputation, University of Oxford. He was elected to the position of the Vice President of the International Studies Association for the period, 2015-2016. His recent awards include the American Political Science Association's 2020 Elinor Ostrom Career Achievement Award in recognition of "lifetime contribution to the study of science, technology, and environmental politics," the International Studies Association's 2019 Distinguished International Political Economy Scholar Award that recognizes "outstanding senior scholars whose influence and path-breaking intellectual work will continue to impact the field for years to come," as well its 2018 James N. Rosenau Award for "scholar who has made the most important contributions to globalization studies" and the European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on Regulatory Governance's 2018 Regulatory Studies Development Award that recognizes a senior scholar who has made notable "contributions to the field of regulatory governance." In addition to his academic writing, he is a regular contributor to Forbes.com and also publishes on platforms such as the Conversation, Huffpost, the Hill, Slate, and the Washington Post.
Brayden King is Max McGraw Chair in Management and the Environment and Professor of Management and Organizations at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. He is also affiliated with the Department of Sociology. Professor King's research focuses on how social movement activists influence corporate social responsibility, organizational change, and legislative policymaking. He also studies the ways in which the reputations and identities of businesses and social movement organizations emerge and change. Professor King is an international research fellow at the Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation. Professor King has published research in American Journal of Sociology, Administrative Science Quarterly, American Sociological Review, Organization Science, and numerous other scholarly journals. He is currently a senior editor at Organization Science and a consulting editor at Sociological Science. He has been a guest editor at Organization Studies and Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Professor King received his PhD in 2005 from the University of Arizona in sociology.
Bryan Husted is Professor of Management and leads the Research Group in Social Innovation and Sustainability at the EGADE Business School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. He holds a courtesy appointment at Bath University, where he is an associate member of the Centre for Business, Organisations, and Society. He is a past president of the Society for Business Ethics and International Association for Business and Society. He is also a former division chair of the Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management and former executive secretary of the Business Association for Latin American Studies. His research is located at the intersection of business and society, including topics such as corporate social responsibility, sustainable development and income inequality. He was director of the Schulich Centre of Excellence in Responsible Business at York University. He also held the Alumni Association Chair in Business Ethics at IE Business School and the Erivan K. Haub Chair in Business and Sustainability at the Schulich School of Business of York University. He is a former co-editor of Business & Society. Finally, he is a member of the Mexican National System of Researchers – Level 3 and the Mexican Academy of Sciences.
Christian Busch is Clinical Assistant Professor at New York University (NYU), where he directs the CGA Global Economy Program. His research focuses on alternative growth strategies, purpose-driven leadership, impact entrepreneurship, and social innovation. He is a Visiting Fellow at the LSE's Marshall Institute, the co-founder of Leaders on Purpose and the Sandbox Network, and previously served as Deputy Director at the LSE’s Innovation and Co-Creation Lab. His new book – The Serendipity Mindset (Penguin Random House) – focuses on how to turn uncertainty into positive outcomes.
Donald F. Kuratko (known as “Dr. K”) Professor of Entrepreneurship, Jack M. Gill Chair of Entrepreneurship at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. Dr. K is a prominent scholar and national leader in the field of entrepreneurship, authoring or co-authoring over 200 articles on aspects of entrepreneurship and corporate entrepreneurship in journals such as Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Management Studies, Small Business Economics, and Journal of Business Ethics. Professor Kuratko has authored 30 books, including one of the leading entrepreneurship books in the world today, Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice, 11th ed. (2020), as well as New Venture Management (2018) and Corporate Innovation (2019). In addition, Dr. Kuratko has been consultant on corporate entrepreneurship to a number of major Fortune 500 corporations. Dr. Kuratko was selected one of the Top Entrepreneurship Professors in the USA by Fortune magazine. Professor Kuratko has been named one of the Top 10 Entrepreneurship Scholars in the world and was the recipient of the Riata Distinguished Entrepreneurship Scholar Award. In 2011 he was the inaugural recipient of the Karl Vesper Entrepreneurship Pioneer Award for his career dedication to developing the field of entrepreneurship. The National Academy of Management honored Professor Kuratko with the Entrepreneurship Advocate Award and the Entrepreneurship Mentor Award for his contributions to the development and advancement of the discipline of entrepreneurship. In addition, he was named the National Outstanding Entrepreneurship Educator by the U.S. Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship and honored with the John E. Hughes Entrepreneurial Advocacy Award for his career advocacy in entrepreneurship.
Jerry Davis received his PhD from Stanford and taught at Northwestern and Columbia before moving to the University of Michigan, where he is the Gilbert and Ruth Whitaker Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Sociology. His research is broadly concerned with the effects of finance on society, changes in the corporate economy, and new forms of organization, particularly whether there exist viable organizational alternatives to shareholder-owned corporations in the United States. His books include Social Movements and Organization Theory; Organizations and Organizing; Managed by the Markets; and The Vanishing American Corporation. Jerry’s current project is a book on corporate power in the 21st century and how to smash it. Corporations draw on input markets -- capital, labor, and supplies -- and a rule-bound product market in which to sell their output. Progressive efforts to harness the corporation during the 20th century focused on each of these: antitrust for product and supply markets around the turn of the century; reforms for capital and labor markets during the New Deal. But the digital revolution has radically changed the operations of each of the markets, and thus old reforms don’t fit today’s corporations. This book will provide a systematic analysis of the nature of economic power in the digital age to locate the pressure points for intervention by policymakers and citizens. You can find out more at https://sites.google.com/a/umich.edu/jerrydavis/home.
Irene Henriques is Professor of Sustainability and Economics and Area Coordinator, Economics, at the Schulich School of Business, York University in Toronto, Canada. She is also Distinguished Visiting Star Professor at the EGADE Business School, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, and former Co-Editor of Business & Society. Her research interests span economics, stakeholder management, and sustainability. She has published numerous articles in leading economic and management journals including American Economic Review, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal and Journal of Management Studies. Irene has served as Chair of the Organizations and the Natural Environment Division of the Academy of Management and the Strategy Division of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada. She has also served as Chair of the Joint Public Advisory Committee to the US, Canadian and Mexican Environment Ministers under NAFTA (the Commission for Environmental Cooperation).
Alberto Aragon-Correa is Professor of Strategy, International Business, and Sustainability at the University of Granada (Spain) and Honorary Professor of Management at the University of Surrey (UK). Alberto’s research examines firms' strategies, especially those related to environmental and sustainability affairs in international and digital contexts. Alberto has mainly focused on analyzing the internal and external factors that improve the environmental, competitive, and financial outputs. Alberto has served as principal investigator for more than 25 research grants funded by public and private competitive research calls. He has also served in multiple university positions and academic international organizations. Additionally, he has been a guest visiting scholar at the University of Berkeley, the University of California Los Angeles, and ETH Zurich. Professor Aragon-Correa's publications have received more than 8,700 citations. His research has been published in multiple top management journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Perspectives, California Management Review, Long Range Planning, Academy of Management Learning and Education, and British Management Journal, among others. His work has also received plenty of attention from the media. He is the currently the co-editor of a Cambridge University Press book series on Organizations and the Natural Environment. He is also Consulting Editor of Organization & Environment, a leading SAGE journal on sustainability.
Kathy Rehbein is Associate Professor of Management at Marquette University’s College of Management. She received her Ph.D. in Economics at Washington University. Kathleen’s research has focused on understanding business/government interactions, how firms manage and integrate their corporate social responsibility and corporate political efforts, corporate governance and shareholder activism, and business and human rights. This work has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Business and Society, Journal of Business Ethics, Business and Politics and Journal of Management Studies.
Magali (Maggie) Delmas is Professor of Management at the UCLA Anderson School of Management and the Institute of the Environment & Sustainability. She is the director of the UCLA Center for Corporate Environmental Performance. She conducts research in strategy and corporate sustainability, and has published more than 90 articles, book chapters and case studies on the subject. She currently works on developing effective information strategies to promote conservation behavior and the development of green markets. Her latest book, The Green Bundle: Pairing the Market with the Planet, is published at Stanford Press.
Marc Ventresca is Associate Professor of Strategic Management in the Strategy, Innovation and Marketing Faculty at Saïd Business School and a Governing Body Fellow of Wolfson College, University of Oxford (UK). Marc's areas of expertise include market and network formation, entrepreneurship, governance, and innovation and technology strategy. His research and teaching focus on the formation of markets and networks in business and social settings. He is also an expert in the areas of governance, innovation and technology and how they interact with markets and networks. Marc is academic director for the ‘Science Innovation Plus’ initiative, which is a partnership between Saïd Business School and the Division of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences. He is founding convener of the research seminar series ‘Strategies, Institutions and Practices at Saïd’. Beyond Oxford, Marc works on various journal editorial boards; he hosts executive education seminars and lectures; he serves as an external assessor at universities around the world and he was a core faculty member for the Goldman Sachs ‘10,000 Women Entrepreneurs’ initiative in the Oxford partnerships with Zhejiang University (Hangzhou China) and with SWUFE (Chengdu China). Marc has held research affiliations at the Oxford Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, the Global Public Policy Academic Group at the Naval Postgraduate School, the Center for Organizational Research at the University of California, the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University, and the Stanford Center for Innovation and Communication. Marc earned his BA in political science/political philosophy and two MAs in education policy and sociology, then earned his PhD in political and organizational sociology, all from Stanford. He has been a visiting faculty member at the Copenhagen Business School, the University of California at Irvine, the University of Illinois, Stanford University’s School of Engineering (Center for Work, Technology and Organizations) and the Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research, among others.
Mae McDonnell is Associate Professor of Management at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. She received her Ph.D. in Management and Organizations from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, a J.D. from Harvard Law School, and a B.A. in Philosophy from the UNC Chapel Hill. She studies organizational behavior within challenging institutional contexts, such as contentious social environments and uncertain regulatory environments. Her research draws on organizational theory and political sociology to explore political interactions between corporations and their myriad stakeholders. In particular, she is interested in how a company’s interactions with its stakeholders shape corporate social activity and non-market strategy. Her work also sheds light on the mechanisms that stakeholders use to enforce social norms for corporations and to punish corporate transgressions. She has published articles in leading peer-reviewed scholarly journals including Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, American Sociological Review, Organization Science, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and Psychological Science, as well as law reviews including Cornell Law Review and Harvard Human Rights Journal. Her dissertation won the Best Dissertation Prize from Oxford University’s Centre for Corporate Reputation, and her work was also awarded the Best Paper Prize at the 2014 Strategic Management Society annual conference. She currently serves on the editorial boards of Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, and Academy of Management Journal.
Michael Pirson is Associate Professor, Area Chair, and William J. Loschert Endowed Chair in Social Entrepreneurship at the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University. A scholar of humanistic management, which holds that business and commerce ought to advance human dignity and society, Dr. Pirson helped to establish an undergraduate sustainable business concentration at Fordham. He teaches courses such as Social Entrepreneurship, Fundamentals of Management and Principles of Management, and his work spans the undergraduate and graduate levels. A native of Germany, Professor Pirson has worked and lived in Switzerland, France, China, Costa Rica and the United States. Before beginning his academic career, he worked for an international consulting group for several years and then started his own private consultancy. He has worked for and with businesses, nonprofits, embassies, political campaigns, and local and national governments. Dr. Pirson is the social entrepreneurship track chair for the Oikos-Ashoka Global Case Writing Competition in Social Entrepreneurship. He is also a founding partner of the Humanistic Management Network, an organization that brings together scholars, practitioners and policymakers around the common goal of creating a 'life-conducive' economic system. In that capacity, he is the co-editor of the Humanism in Business book series, published by Palgrave-McMillan. Dr. Pirson is a research fellow at Harvard University and serves on the board of three social enterprises in the United States.
Robert Phillips is George R. Gardiner Professor in Business Ethics and Professor of Strategic Management at the York University’s Schulich School of Business. His PhD is from the University of Virginia's Darden School. Prior to joining Schulich he held faculty positions at the University of Richmond, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (Shanghai), University of San Diego, The Wharton School, and Georgetown University. He was also the Gourlay Professor of Ethics in Business, at Trinity College, University of Melbourne. His work has appeared in Business Ethics Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, and Academy of Management Review, among others. Rob is the author of Stakeholder Theory and Organizational Ethics (2003) and co-editor of The Cambridge Handbook of Stakeholder Theory (2019). His other research interests include historic corporate responsibility and ethics in network organizations. He is Consulting Editor at Journal of Business Ethics and was previously Associate Editor at Business & Society. He has held leadership positions in the Academy of Management, the Strategic Management Society, the International Association for Business and Society, and is past president of the Society for Business Ethics. He was awarded the title of Master Teacher in Ethics by The Wheatley Institution at Brigham Young University He is affiliated with the Center of Excellence in Responsible Business (COERB) at Schulich and is Senior Fellow at the Olsson Center for Applied Ethics at the Darden School.
Rodolphe Durand is the HEC Foundation Chaired Professor of Strategy at HEC-Paris and the academic director of the Society and Organizations Center which he launched in 2009. Previously, he chaired the Strategy & Business Policy department (2009-2013), served as the MSc in Strategic Management’s Academic Director (2012-2015), and was Visiting Professor at New York University (Stern Business School, 2011), Cambridge University (Judge Business School, 2011) and London Business School (2013), and Visiting Scholar at Harvard Business School (2012). Rodolphe’s primary research interests concern the sources of competitive advantage and the interplay between the cognitive and normative determinants of organizations’ performance. For his work that integrate research streams from sociology, philosophy, and management, Rodolphe received the American Sociological Association’s R. Scott Award in 2005, the European Academy of Management/Imagination Lab Award for Innovative Scholarship in 2010, and was inducted Fellow of the Strategic Management Society in 2014. Rodolphe’s research is featured in national and international press. He advises large companies and international organizations in their major strategic moves and decisions.
Sandra Waddock is Galligan Chair of Strategy, Carroll School Scholar of Corporate Responsibility, and Professor of Management at Boston College's Carroll School of Management. Winner of numerous awards, including a 2017 PRME Pioneer Award, she has published over 150 papers and 15 books, including Management and the Sustainability Paradox: Reconnecting the Human Chain (David Wasieleski, Sandra Waddock, and Paul Shrivastava, in press) and Transforming towards Life-Centered Economies (forthcoming). Current research interests include transformational system change, memes and narrative, flourishing life, intellectual shamanism management education, and wisdom, among others.
Tom Lyon holds the Dow Chair of Sustainable Science, Technology and Commerce at the University of Michigan, with appointments in both the Ross School of Business and the School of Environment and Sustainability. He is President of the Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability (ARCS), and has served as Director of the Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise and as Associate Director for Policy and Social Science at the U.M. Energy Institute. Professor Lyon is a leader in using economic analysis to understand corporate environmental strategy, especially in the energy industry, and how it is shaped by emerging government regulations, non-governmental organizations, and consumer demands. His book Corporate Environmentalism and Public Policy, published by Cambridge University Press, was the first rigorous economic analysis of this increasingly important topic. Lyon is a Senior Editor at Organization & Environment, and serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Economics and Management Strategy and Journal of Regulatory Economics. His current research focuses on environmental information disclosure, private politics, regulatory compliance, and eco-certification.
Timothy Devinney (BSc CMU; MA, MBA, PhD Chicago) is Chair and Professor of International Business at the Alliance Manchester Business School. Prior to that he was Pro-Dean of Research & Innovation and University Leadership Chair at Leeds University Business School. He has held positions at U. Chicago, Vanderbilt, UCLA and Australian Graduate School of Management and been a visitor at many other universities. He has published 12+ books and 100+ articles in leading journals. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, the Academy of Intl Business, the European International Business Association, a Rockefeller Foundation Fellow and an Alexander von Humboldt Research Awardee. He has served on the executive boards of a number of academic associations, served as an editor of several journals and currently sits on more than a dozen editorial review boards. Currently he serves on the board of directors of five external organizations.